Drinks which burn's your fat quickly

Green tea

Green tea contains antioxidants that help the body to burn fat very quickly. You will also need to consider that it is necessary to opt for a healthy diet. Losing weight is a matter of discipline, and if 
you combine green tea with a good diet and 30 minutes exercise a day, you'll get more than pleasing results.

Ginger tea

Ginger is what we call a thermogenic food that  increases the body temperature and thus helps boost our metabolism. This will have the effect of allowing the body to burn more fat. It is also known for its appetite suppressant properties and its beneficial effects on the digestive system.

Heat one cup of water and remove it from heat once it is warm. Once the water is ready, add a small slice of ginger and let it steep for 5 minutes, covered. Once the 5 minutes is up, add the juice from one lemon and drink on empty stomach


It boosts our metabolism, which burns fat and increases our energy levels, which turn our body active and allows us to move . Studies have shown that more of caffeine a person consumes, the more it increases metabolism thus burning more calories even at rest. The scientific name of this process is thermogenesis or body heat production. Coffee increases thermogenesis, which is the fact that our body burns the excess calories we consumed, even at rest. Green coffee additionally contains chlorogenic acid, that is a component which helps in weight loss by reducing the absorption of sugars in the intestine and accelerates the fat removal process.

Aloe Vera

Another well known plant that can really help to lose weight. Recognized mainly for detoxification
 treatment, the juice of Aloe Vera is highly recommended in any diet because it improves digestion and cleanses the body in a few days.
Aloe Vera Juice with Lemon

  • Clean your fresh Aloe Vera leaf.
  • Cut it lengthwise down the center and squeeze out the juice.
  • Juice your lemon.
  • Mix Aloe Vera gel, lemon juice, and water and stir 2-3 minutes.
  • Drink regularly to encourage weight loss.

Aloe Vera with Water

  • Mix 1-2 tablespoons Aloe Vera juice into a glass of water.
  • Drink at least once daily to lose weight.

  • For best results, Combine your Aloe Vera regimen with 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week. Do a strength training workout 3 times weekly to build muscle and increase metabolism, and do 30-45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 4 times weekly to burn fat.
  • Don’t take Aloe Vera if you suffer from colitis, appendicitis, intestinal problems or Crohn’s diseases.
  • Pregnant women, kids, breast feeding moms, and women who are menstruating should not take Aloe Vera.
  • Large doses of Aloe Vera can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, and dehydration.

Cider Vinegar

This drink diet has an awful taste, but it is really helpful to people who want to lose weight fast.
Apple cider vinegar as the apple contains pectin.Upon digestion it slows storing fat and facilitates
digestion. Apple cider vinegar lower your blood sugar and by the excessive production of insulin excess avoids fat storage. It suppresses your hunger by making your brain believe that you are
full even when you're not. Unlike appetite suppressant capsules or other cider vinegar 
exhibits,no known side effects. 

2 tsp Apple cider vinegar 
2 Cups water 
Juice from ½ of a lemon 
Ice to taste 

1. Mix all ingredients well and enjoy!


Flax helps to lose weight through its high content of fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9,
necessary for proper metabolism. Also flax is rich in fiber which helps in burning calories and decreases hunger. he excessive production of insulin excess avoids fat storage.

  • Prepare this drink the day before you use it. In the evening, before you go to bed,add  4 cups / a liter of boiling water to 3 tablespoons of flax-seeds and leave it overnight.
  • In the morning strain the liquid. You should get a thick, gelly-like (slimy) mixture. Make sure that you always prepare this drink in the evening, so you can have it fresh in the morning.
  • This drink is not recommended for people who suffer from severe liver disease. If you are not diagnosed with a serious disease, you can still consume it, but in smaller quantities.

Drink st least 8 glasses of water daily to avoid dehydration and cleanse your body of toxins.
